

Rassias Method® Workshops for Teachers

The Rassias Method (RM) includes some fifty dramatic techniques that work to banish the inhibitions that can retard the acquisition of foreign languages. RM techniques hold students' attention and foster spontaneous use of the language. These workshops in the RM offer instructors an array of dynamic classroom activities that use movement, sound, rhythm and motion to help students learn. Workshop participants will enjoy a supportive, intensive, small group session environment as they practice applying the RM techniques to their current classroom materials. Originally developed during the advent of the Peace Corps, the techniques have been adopted by teachers worldwide.

The Rassias Method training attempts to channel your energy, enthusiasm, and activities so that they will be more productive to you and your students in the classroom and for communication skills in general. Through the techniques we present, you should be better able to create the “illusion of spontaneity” for every class with which you interact. We believe that the most effective and dramatic kind of spontaneity in the classroom is rehearsed.

Learning to communicate more effectively in face-to-face encounters, an important part of which is language learning, should not be tedious. It should be stimulating, entertaining, and to put it quite simply, fun. There must be mutual respect and cooperation between teachers and students in the learning encounter. We believe that the more we can offer through effective materials and teaching methodologies, the more the students will be stimulated to acquire other languages. The Rassias Method’s holistic approach views language and culture as one, whole, and indissoluble.

Since 1975, we have held workshops for teachers and administrators from all over the United States and throughout the world. Participants use the various techniques over the course of the workshop in “hands-on” small group sessions. The workshops also provide a forum to discuss how to integrate these techniques into various curricula.

We do not presume to tell any individual how to do their job. We truly believe that by your dedication, shared commitment, and long experience in the classroom, that you are indeed a Master Teacher. Our aim, rather, is to outline an effective approach that will stimulate and energize your classes.